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Who We Are

We empower and assist homeless citizens who are  economically and socially challenged with transitional resources that help them to live independent and productive lives.

How We Do It:

Community: Currently all of our volunteers are Citizens of Detroit MI. They willingly give their time, money, cars, and resources to assist with the organization with achieving its mission.

Commitment: 95% of our volunteers have been with us since inception.  Every month our volunteers and Board Members work diligently to locate resources that will strengthen our resolve. However, most months our founder, Rhonda Harvell sacrifices her livelihood and fills in where there is lack to ensure the needs are met.

Collectively: we are all committed to seeing the City of Detroit thrive and remain one of our countries beacons for success.

Because, “We Believe in the Light”

About US

We empower and assist homeless citizens who are  economically and socially challenged with transitional resources that help them to live independent and productive lives.